Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Acid Rain

1.) Sulfur Dioxide and Nitrogen Oxides are the 2 gases that cause acid rain.

2.) They usually come from burning fossil fuels, erupting volcanoes and rotting vegetables.

3.) Many forestes will be damaged and many animals cant take acid rain which will do some harm to the food chain.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

What the frack is fracking?

Fracking is fueling power plants so they can give about 10 million people that live without electricity in poor states and they could provide some good jobs to the world poorest cities.

Fracking is basically drilling deep into the groung to find natural gases.

Many people are concerned about fracking because they think that it might contaminate their water and other stuff.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Damming Rivers

Masee Shahid and Adam Mayberry 
Damming rivers has a good and bad effect to the community. One of the many good things that can happen is preventing floods. This can be done by the people working at the dam, they get to “control” the discharge of the river. Another good thing about dams is that they have water storages that provide water during a dry time. Throughout the Unites states dams help provide Picnic Areas and other recreational sites. The Yangtze has many 300 fish species and making the dam could affect them because I don’t know how they could get through the dams. Along the Yagntze river almost 1.3- 1.9 million people were forced to leave their homes because they were building the dam on the water near their cities. Almost 140 cities and 1000 villages were forced to leave. The building of the dam also meant to move species like dolphins some where else but they failed to move them so they are still looking for another place for them . 

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


 In this photo the horizontal line is showing the yeas in which the temp.s were recorded in.

Present day is in the right side.

On the other axis its showing the temp.s in Celsius

No, the site does not state on where they got the information from.
